My Relationship with Media!

I think that I engage in a lot of media typical of my generation. I have Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter where I become informed on current events in the form of their spread on digital platforms. However, the media that I most enjoy is binge-watching Netflix series. For example, The Office and Parks and Recreation are two of my favorite shows and represent the popular comedic television of recent years. I also watched both seasons of Stranger Things, a sci-fi drama that is incredibly popular at the moment. I find that since watching the series, I have enjoyed being able to understand many of the current jokes and references that derive from it. Stranger Things is definitely very significant to American culture in 2017.


  1. I love that you included Stranger Things into your Media Blog! I also really enjoy watching this Netflix Original Series.

  2. It's so interesting how in our generation there's a social pressure to watch particular shows and to get certain apps.


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